Covid-19 Catch Up Funding
Total amount of premium = £16,559
How the fund will be spent:
- To increase teaching capacity in key year groups.
- Purchase of NFER standardised assessment suite for Years 1- 6.
- Staff training for Boosting Reading in Primary intervention.
- Small group tutoring and 1:1 tutoring for children in KS2
- Purchase of quality texts for purpose of intervention and tutor work.
- NELI tokens purchased to continue the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme for children in Reception.
How the impact of the fund on educational attainment will be assessed?
There will be three data captures over the year. Children will be assessed using the standardised NFER assessments for Reading, Arithmetic and Reasoning. An internal writing assessment will also take place each half term. In addition, teacher judgements will be supported by formative assessments of the curriculum priorities for each subject on the web-based Insights platform.
This system of assessment will highlight the required interventions. Based upon our data at the end of spring 2021, we identified gaps in:
- Phonological knowledge in Years 1, 2 and 3
- Handwriting/ presentation skills across the school.
- Accuracy with punctuation and variety of sentence structures in KS2.
- Agility with number in EYFS and KS1.
- Lack of precision with regard to correct mathematical vocabulary.
- Variation and inaccuracies with regard to written methods in mathematics.
- Reasoning knowledge.
Pupil progress meetings with class teachers, SLT and Governors will take place after the spring and summer data captures including a specific Pupil Premium progress meeting. Our English subject leader and Maths subject leader will continue to report termly on school development initiatives and pupil voice opportunities. In addition, staff will be supported by our SENCO every half term to evaluate termly interventions and plan new targets.