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Calculation Videos and Maths Support

How is maths taught at Chillingham Road? 

At Chillingham Road we believe in adopting a mastery approach to maths. This means we want children to understand (or master) each subject deeply and understand how maths works rather than learning ‘tricks’ for getting the answers correct. 

Key features of our curriculum include: 

  • A ‘growth mindset’ approach emphasising that everyone can do maths with practice. 
  • Fewer topics across the year, each studied in greater depth. 
  • A chance for children to use concrete items and pictures before letters and numbers. 
  • Challenge through problem solving; not learning new topics. 
  • Opportunities for pupils to talk in maths using accurate mathematical language. 

What are maths meetings? 

In addition to our regular maths lessons where children learn new content, pupils  have shorter maths meetings several times a week. These are a chance for our children to practice previously learnt topics. In EYFS and KS1 this might include lots of songs and chants; in KS2 it is a chance for pupils to become fluent with key number facts such as times tables.  

How can I support my child with their maths learning? 

The videos below show some of the key approaches children will learn in school modelled with clear mathematical vocabulary. They may be useful to watch if you are not sure how to help your child with their learning.  Children also have subscriptions to NumBots (KS1) and Times Table Rockstars (KS2) which help them practice some of the key facts they need to be successful in maths.  














