GSO Test

A unique group of seven Primary Schools and one Secondary School in the East of Newcastle upon Tyne

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PSHE & Relationships /Sex Education

Connection Time

 Each week all of our classes engage in two connection time sessions following our statutory PSHE and relationships and sex education curriculum.

Following the whole school consultation last academic year, we agreed to integrate the thematic scheme from the PSHE association- see below



chillinghan road pshe and rse road map.pdf


connection time planner 24 24.pdf


rse and pshe curriculum 2021 y1 y6.pdf

Growing up with Yasmine and Tom is an online resource to help easily deliver high-quality relationships and sex education as part OF OUR RSE programme. Growing up with Yasmine and Tom, has 31 lesson plans, divided into 3 modules, suitable for Key Stages 1 and 2 (ages 5-11).



In addition, we have provided all of 9 classes in school from Playgroup to Year 6 with a core canon of thematic texts. These crucially important texts will be shared and celebrated repeatedly with all our children. 




rse core canons.pdf



relationship and sex education policy.pdf