GSO Test

A unique group of seven Primary Schools and one Secondary School in the East of Newcastle upon Tyne

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You may have noticed some changes and new faces to our Governing Body recently. As a school, we have always valued the strength and skills of our Governors. Undoubtedly, Chilli Road has always been supported by a team of committed and highly-skilled Governors. 

 Our current structure of Governance has 3 committees and a                            Full Governing Body:

  • Premises/Environment and Community Committee
  • Staffing and Finance Committee
  • Performance and Curriculum Committee

 Unlike many schools, we have a higher than average proportion of Parent Governors. This demonstrates how much Chilli Road values the role of families in our school.

Meet our Governors


Sean Robson- Chair of Governors & 

Chair of  Premises, Environment & Community Committee (PEC).

It feels like a new era is upon us at Chilli Road as the remnants of closures, restrictions and upheaval fades away and we can again continue to progress and build with more certainty and implement plans that have been on the back-burner for too long.


My own personal experience of Chilli Road started in 2015 when my eldest son started reception. This was also when Mr Wassall took up the position of head, and this year is the first year that the 2015 starters are no longer here - like I said, new era. The great thing about this is that it means new children and families have started their Chilli Road journey to become part of the community and provide their own contributions and ideas to help the school move forward. This has led to new governing body members (welcome Hannah), which we’re always keen to have (more please!) and also people who are helping in other ways such as fundraising, volunteering ,and generally representing the school in a positive way in the community. All contributions are highly valued.   


I was so happy to have the Chilli Jam return over the summer (Thanks to everyone who sold me out of craft beers very quickly!), followed by the delayed sports day in September. It was brilliant to see everyone once again come together for both events, and it’s worth acknowledging that it was our current Y3’s first sports day! Perhaps not many people reading this will remember Fergus Westwood’s iconic front flip over the finish line many years ago, but sports day always bring brilliant memories and a true sense of what Chilli Road is. We seem to be at our best when we gather together and celebrate. 



 Staffing and Finance Committee Members:

Fergus Westwood (Chair), Sarah Jacobs, Sean Robson, Ben Wassall, Erika Allen (Associate)

Curriculum & Performance Committee Members:

 Sarah Jacobs (Chair)  Ben Wassall, Erika Allen (Associate), Hannah Arnstein and Kate Aspray

Premises, Environment & Community Committee Members:

Sean Robson (Chair), Sean Thompson, Chris Boyle, Ben Wassall, Sean Eskdale and Hilary England.

Pay Review Group:

Sean Robson & Fergus Westwood

Admissions & Appeals:

Sean Robson & Sarah Jacobs

Link Governors:

Link Governors



Sarah Jacobs

Safeguarding / Child Protection

  Sean Robson

Pupil Premium

Kate Aspray

Safer Recruitment

 Ben Wassall, Erika Allen, Sean Robson

Early Years

Sean Robson & Hannah Arnstein


Chris Boyle

Child in Care

Sean Thompson